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Summer Camp Registration

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The mission of the Summer Tennis Camp is to combine fun experience with the highest level of instruction and competitions aimed at each individual’s level of play.

Tennis summer camp near me
Tennis summer camp near me

​Fill  out registration form below and click Submit button


Make the check payable to: TennisCool


Chase Quick Pay/ Zelle to:


Also we accept check or cash payment.


Please read this form carefully and be aware that in registering your minor child / ward for participation in TennisCool programs, you will be waiving and releasing all claims for injuries your child/ward might sustain arising out of said programs.


By clicking "Register" button, you agree to TennisCool's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.


Registration is held on a first come-first served basis.

There is a minimum and maximum enrollment for the program.



Informed Consent and Acknowledgement


I hereby give my approval for my child’s participation in any and all activities prepared by during the selected camp.

In exchange for the acceptance of said child’s candidacy by., I assume all risk and hazards incidental to the conduct of the activities, and release, absolve and hold harmless  . and all its respective officers, agents, and representatives from any and all liability for injuries to said child arising out of traveling to, participating in, or returning from selected camp sessions.


In case of injury to said child, I hereby waive all claims against   . including all coaches and affiliates, all participants, sponsoring agencies, advertisers, and, if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the event. There is a risk of being injured that is inherent in all sports activities, including basketball. Some of these injuries include, but are not limited to, the risk of fractures, paralysis, or death.



Medical Release and Authorization


As Parent and/or Guardian of the named athlete, I hereby authorize the diagnosis and treatment by a qualified and licensed medical professional, of the minor child, in the event of a medical emergency, which in the opinion of the attending medical professional, requires immediate attention to prevent further endangerment of the minor’s life, physical disfigurement, physical impairment, or other undue pain, suffering or discomfort, if delayed.


Permission is hereby granted to the attending physician to proceed with any medical or minor surgical treatment, x-ray examination and immunizations for the named athlete. In the event of an emergency arising out of serious illness, the need for major surgery, or significant accidental injury, I understand that every attempt will be made by the attending physician to contact me in the most expeditious way possible. This authorization is granted only after a reasonable effort has been made to reach me.


Permission is also granted to the TenisCool and its affiliates including Directors, Coaches, and Team Parents to provide the needed emergency treatment prior to the child’s admission to the medical facility.


Release authorized on the dates and/or duration of the registered season.


This release is authorized and executed of my own free will, with the sole purpose of authorizing medical treatment under emergency circumstances, for the protection of life and limb of the named minor child, in my absence.



Registration, payment and refunds.


To reserve a place in class, full payment must be submitted one week prior to the beginning of the session.



There are the following options for payments:


From the site using Credit Card / PayPal, or by a Check made payable to: 

TennisCool, 9867 Robin Rd. Niles, IL 60714



Once all registrations have been received, there is a possibility that session times will be altered to best accommodate the skill levels and ages of all participants. In the event of any conflict arising, payments will be refunded accordingly.



Class and camp fees are not refundable except as follows:


  • For medical reasons, when accompanied by a doctor’s letter, a pro-rated refund or credit, less a 10% processing fee, shall be given from the date the refund is requested.

  • A cancellation received at least one week prior to the start of the session shall be given a refund or credit, less a 10% processing fee.

  • Should a class be cancelled by Tenniscool after the start of the session, a student shall be given a prorated refund or credit.



TennisCool class make-up policy – 24 hours notice is required for all make-ups


  • One make-up class per eight-week session will be granted for all classes except semi-privates.

  • Semi-private students can exchange privates if one of them missed the class (no more than 2 missed classes).

  • Only one missing class per session is allowed to get the credit for missed class.

  • If we expect insufficient number of students the class might be shortened or cancelled.

  • If an offered make-up class is not suitable to the participant’s schedule, other opportunities will be offered during the eight-week session.

  • All make-up classes must be used before the end of the eight-week session.

  • If two or more classes have been missed during one session, additional make-up classes may be offered if available, but are not guaranteed.


Photos / Video / Audio


You give us the permission for your child to be photographed/videotaped in participation at the TennisCool’s lessons and activities. I understand that these photos can be used in TennisCool publications, website, official social media pages and other materials designed to promote TennisCool’s services as well as offer information and resources. I understand that I have a right to request, in writing, removal of the photo from the web site within 30 working days of receipt of the request by TennisCool Academy.



Confirmation Acknowledgement:

I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury to participants in the above program(s) and I agree to assume the full risk of any such injuries, damages or loss regardless of severity which I or my child/ward may sustain as a result of participating in any activities connected or associated with any such program(s). I waive and relinquish all claims I or my child/ward may have against the TennisCool and its staff, agents, servants and employees as a result of participating in any of the above program(s). I hereby fully release and discharge the TennisCool and its staff, agents and employees from any and all claims from injuries, damage or loss which I or my child/ward may have or which may accrue to me or my child/ward on account of the participation of my child/ ward in any of the above program(s). I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless and defend the TennisCool and its staff, agents, servants and employees from any and all claims resulting from injuries, damages and losses sustained by me or my child/ward, and arising out, connected with, or in any way associated with the activities of any of the program(s).I have read and fully understand the program details and waiver and release of all claims.

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